Exchange programme between the ALABAMA SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS (Birmingham, Alabama) and l'INSTITUT SAINT-JOSEPH SACRE-COEUR (La Roche-en-Ardenne, Belgium)

dimanche 19 février 2017

réponse à Kaytie (Clémence)

Salut Kaytie,
En Belgique, le parc d’attraction le plus connu est Walibi.
Nous n’avons pas d’équipe de sport dans notre école. En Belgique, il y a beaucoup de sports différents mais le plus connu est surement le football. Moi-même je fais du foot depuis que j’ai 5 ans. Je joue au gardien de but. Est-ce que toi aussi, tu pratiques un sport et si oui lequel. As-tu Facebook ?


Hello, how are you ? (Aymeric)

Hello, this is Aymeric.  How are you in USA with the new président "Donnald TRUMP " ?  I don't like him, he is racist. In Belgium we have snow, do you have some in Alabama? Snow, it's cool, it's cold but it's cool, also it's dangerous it may cause a road accident. How are you?


                                                                                  Aymeric Paquay

Lysanna Paquay 14 ans

Hello! My name's Lysanne, I am 13 years old and I have a twin brother and a big sister, my twin brother and me live in Odeigne with my parents. I have a big family because, I have a lot of cousins, uncles, aunts and small cousins. Odeigne is at the countryside, this is perfect for me so I can ride my horse. It's very beautiful!
I love to go shopping with my friends because it's a super moment. But I don't like school, I hate math. My brother and me like playing bord games, it's fun.  I am very happy !  And you ? How is your life ?

My morning (Léa)

I get up at 6.15 am and I have my car at 7.30 am. I arrive at school at 8.00 am, the class starts at 8.20 am. I have class until noon. I have a break until 12.50 PM. In the afternoon, I have class until 16.25 pm. And you what is your morning and day?

A small part of my family. (Clémentine)

It's Clémentine Mathias, 
Today, I will write about my family. It is very important to me. My brother, Cyril, is very important to me, he and I have a lot of pride. We love each other very mutch but we do not tell each other. he will never judge me and neither will I. He is always there for me and me too. He is very nice boy, respectful and with great value! In my family, we laugh a lot. I am very proud of my family. My family is big! On my moyher's side we are fraud children and we lived all our childhood together! My brother is the only boy... but my cousin and he are the same age. We see each other more or less every day because the house of my cousins is next to ours. We all help each other a lot!
And you? Is your family important to you?
Waiting for your answer.

my free time (Lisa)

I have three activities I do every week. 
First ,my hobby is dancing .I dance three times a week : ragga on Tuesday, street jazz on Wednesday and hip hop on Friday .Sometimes ,on Wednesday after dancing , I go to the swimming pool.
Second, I love spending time with my friends , just sitting and talk or going out.
Third, I like shopping with my mother: buy clothes, decoration... or just buy food.
The rest of my time , I use my phone to chat with my friends or to watch some funny videos and do my homework.


Les films d'horreur. (Sarah)

Bonjour, dans un des courriel, on nous parlait des films d'horreur alors pourquoi ne pas continuer. J'apprécie les films d'horreur, mais je suis incapable de les regarder dans le noir et toute seule. Et oui, je suis achluophobe ce qui veut dire que j'ai peur du noir ou en tout cas de l'obscurité. Cela peut paraître ridicule mais ça ne l'est pas. Je ne sais pas si beaucoup de personne ont aussi cette peur mais si vous en connaissez vous pourrez leurs demander. Pour revenir au sujet principal, les films d'horreur sont vraiment super, il y en a que j'aime moins que d'autres, mais dans la globalité la plupart sont de très bon films. Je préfère les films de fantômes, paranoïa, que les films de "torture". Et vous quel genre de films préférez-vous? La plupart des films d'horreur sont fait en Amérique, non?

                                                                                                A bientôt, Sarah.

Rectification de mon email précédent (Sarah).

Dans mon précédent courriel, j'ai dit que le parc qui pour moi était le meilleur était Phantasialand. C'est une erreur. Tout d'abord parce que il ne se situe pas en Belgique mais en Allemagne. Et je n'y suis jamais allé donc je ne saurai dire si c'est pour moi le meilleur. Le parc dont je voulais parler n'est autre que Efteling qui ne se situe pas en Belgique mais qui est je crois le plus proche et le meilleur que j'ai visité. Comme je l'ai dit dans mon courriel, en Belgique nous n'avons pas énormément de parcs d'attractions, donc il faut aller dans des pays limitrophes pour en trouver. Bien évidement nous avons de bon parcs d'attractions mais pour de grands amateurs de sensations fortes ce n'est pas très exceptionnel. Je vous prie de bien vouloir m'excuser pour cette erreur de pays et de parc.

                                                                                             Au revoir. Sarah.

Réponse à Elise (Zoé)

Bonjour Elise,
Moi c est zoé.J'ai quatorze ans bientôt quinze ans.Je vais à l'école à La Roche depuis trois ans. Tout comme toi, j'adore la danse, j'en fais depuis neuf ans. Je pratique la danse contemporaine. J'ai trois sœurs, Lucie, Manon et Lisa. Lucie et Manon sont un peu plus âgées que moi mais Lisa est plus petite que moi. J'adore être avec ma famille.😊
Et toi, tu t'entends bien avec ta famille?
à bientôt!

Réponse à Sally (Clémentine)

Bonjour Sally! Je m'appelle Clémentine.
Moi, ma journée typique c'est :
Je me réveille à 6h45. Je m'habille et je déjeune. Ensuite, je vais à l'école qui commence à 8h20 am. Et je rentre à 4h45 pm chez moi. A la maison, je mange un petit bout tout en regardant une émission à la TV, qui s'appelle "Les Reines du Shopping", puis je fais mes devoirs jusqu'au souper. Le soir, je mange à 19h (7.00 p.m). Après, je vais me laver, puis je regarde un peu la TV, tout en surfant sur internet et en parlant avec mes ami(e)s. J'ai lu dans ton poste que tu te couchais tard, moi je vais dormir vers 21h (9.00 p.m) mais je ne sais pas m'endormir avant 22h (10.00 p.m).

Réponse à Sidney (Clémentine)

Bonjour Sidney! C'est Clémentine.
Moi je suis une fille très stressée tous les jours... En ce moment, j'ai beaucoup de devoirs aussi, ce qui fait que je suis encore plus stressée que d'habitude. J'ai pris le plus gros horaire, ce qui fait que je n'ai que 1 heure d'étude par semaine pour m'avancer dans mes devoirs. Je ne regrette absolument pas mon choix, cependant, je ne dirais pas non à un peu plus de temps libre certains jours. Comme j'ai pu le lire dans ton poste, tu termines l'école tard le mardi! Nous, nous commençons l'école à 8h20 et nous avons fini à 16h25 (4.25 p.m) tous les jours sauf le mercredi où nous terminons la journée à 11h55. Moi je dois lire deux livres pour le cours de français, j'en ai déjà terminé un, il m'a beaucoup plu! J'ai commencé le deuxième, je l'apprécie aussi mais il est beaucoup plus compliqué que le premier. Lors de la fête de l'école, nous allons faire un karaoké, c'est très chouette de le créer!
Au revoir,

Réponse à Esme (Lisa)

Salut Esme,
moi c'est Lisa. J'ai adoré lire ton email
car moi aussi j'adore les films. Horreur,
comique, romantique...tout me plait!
J'adore aussi jouer la comédie. Il y a deux
semaines, j'ai fait une audition pour une
comédie musicale car à coté du fait que je
veux devenir actrice, je chante et je danse.
C 'est vraiment ce que je préfère. Si plus
tard tu deviens célèbre, je pourrai dire
que j'ai lu tes emails.

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Reponse à Katherine (Lisa)

Salut Katherine!
Moi c'est Lisa et j'ai quatorze ans. J'ai lu
dans ton email que tu aimais l'équitation.
Tu as ton propre cheval? Si oui, comment il
s'appelle? Tu t'entraines combien de fois par
semaine? Je sais, ça fait beaucoup de questions
mais je suis très curieuse. Moi je chante
et je danse. Quand je rentre je ne saurais
pas commencer mes devoirs sans avoir
chanté. Tu as beaucoup de devoirs toi?
Moi ça depend. Une semaine on est surchargé,
l'autre on est tranquilles.

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my free time (Camille)

Hello my favourite music is rap and Drump. My favourite singers are Nekfeu, PNL, Django. I like fitness and I like going to the weights room. When I have time, I really like being with my friends and go out with them. I love travelling I have been in Italy France and Turkey. I like summer because I don't like the cold. And you, don't you like summer ? I don't like tennis, swimming and playing board games. My nationality is Belgian and Italian. I am an onlychild. I like pizza and crisps and eating Mcdo. I love watching series : The Walking Dead. After school, I like seeing my friends. I like walking and the city. And you, what do you like to do after school ? Bye

my family (Zoé)

It's Zoé Zune.
Today, I will speak about my sisters.
I love my family. I have three sisters and my parents are married. My first older sister (Lucie) is eighteen years old, my second older sister (Manon) is sixteen years old and my younger sister (Lisa) is eleven years old. I am fourteen years old. 
During the week, Lucie and Manon are in Liège, they go to school in Liège😞 I only see them during the weekends. At the week-end, Lisa and me are doing horseriding.

Do you have any brothers or sisters? How is your relationship with them?


my family (Martina Angelozzi)

I want to speak with you about my family. It's very important to me, with my parents I never quarrel, my brother is like my best friend, he is always there for me, he helps me so much every time.
I have a dog and I like it so much. I also like playing with it. I have a cousin and she is like a sister for me. And you, do you get along well with your family? Please tell me about it!

I introduce my hobbies (Thorgal)

Hello, My name is Thorgal and my surname is Lafalize. I am 14 years old and my favourite sport is football (soccer). This sport is very cool because I can play with my friends in my village! Everybody can play it. All my friends play in a club. I used to play in a club in my village. My favourite place is keeper.
And you, what is your favourite sport? can you explain this?

Alexandre Moscehtti ; sports

My favourite sports

hello my name's is Alexandre

Today, I will speak about sports, I play football (soccer) three times a week , it si very difficult for me. I play it with my friends Aymeric, Thorgal and Alexandre. The name of the club is Odeigne.

After the football, I play tennis with my family, my mother is the best. She plays tennis in my village.
And finally, I run with my father. I'm very sporty. I really like doing sport with my family. And you, do you do a sport every day ?


my free time (Clara)

Hy ken!
My name is clara I am 14 years old and I come from Belgium. I  have 1 brother and 3 animals, I live at the countryside. My favourite sports are Body-building and Krav maga.  I like spending evenings whit my friends and especially going to music festivals (drum and hardstyle).  During the holidays I often go to my cousin Lucie (she is as my sister). Most of the time I am with my friends and I am on Facebook and I listen to music or I watch series and I like eating Mcdo. My favourite singers are Nekfeu (S-CREW), Beyonce, PNL. And you,  what about your life, is it as "simple" as mine ? Bye friends !

my hobbies (Alexandre)

My hobby is football I play in a club and I train on Monday and Thursday and I have a match on Saturday.
I also play video games like the fifa game and call of duty c is a war game.
And I do a lot of biking in my village and in the woods.


Amusements in Belgium (Sarah)

Hello, it's Sarah and I'm going to tell you about amusement parks. In Belgium, we don't have a lot of amusement parks but the one I like the most is Fantasia land.
It's a very beautiful park. There are fairies, dragons, knights, and more. It's a very good amusement park. The amusements are amazing. For you it's perhaps not unusual. In America you have a lot of amusement parks, is that true?
I like Belgium, even if we are a little "behind the times".

                                                                                    Bye. Sarah.

My audition for Tina De Musical (Lisa)

   On Saturday 28 of January, I had an audition
for a musical. When I arrived in Roermond, at half
past ten I received a sticker with my name and I had
to wait a few minutes. I was really stressed! After
that I walked towards a big room. The jury was
very nice: they were looking when I was dancing and
singing. I did the best I could. I hope I can go back!
First, I have to wait one or two weeks. Maybe three!
That's so long! Fingers crossed!!!

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my free time (Farooq)


I would like to tell you what I'm doing during my free time on Saturday, and Sunday.  Saturday morning I have a quick breakfast, after breakfast I am going out with my friends. Somtimes we go to the park and sometimes we go to a cinema to Watch movies.
On Saturday morning after breakfast I do my homework and after my homework I do my chores at home and I help my friends. But sometimes I listen to music while I study mathematics or while I do some excercises of trigonometric.
What about you, what are you doing during your free time on Saturday and Sunday.
 Good luck 


mercredi 1 février 2017

My name is Morgane

My name is Morgane because my father wanted a first name ending in "ANE".
My name is celt. Morgane means " born of the sea". Morgane is celebrated on the 8th October. According to the breton calendar , Morgane is celebrated on the 25th january .
Morgane are cheerful and warm . Mu number is 3, associated colour blue, the metal is iron .
Morgane is rare . There area lot of famous Morgane as a judokate, a footballer, some artists .
There is a song of Renaud" Morgane de toi " and two movies with my name .
I like my name because I think it's nice . My second name is Jocelyne and my third is  Emilia . Jocelyne is my godmother and Emilia is my great-grandmother .

My name's Aline

My name's Aline. I really like my name.

My Mom chose my name because Dad had already chosen my brother's name. Mom liked the name "Alice" so much because it was her grandmother's name. But our neighbour was already called like that so Mom didn't choose this name because this Alice was more or less the same age, we would grow up and play together. So Mom changed one letter and it became "Aline". My parents liked the name.

There's a famous song with my name created by Christophe. There's also a French band pop rock with my name and a movie  Aline.

Aline is a timeless name. There's one of these in every generation. My name is of German descent. It means "noble" and "soft". Aline is celebrated on the 20th October, on the 16th June or on the 19th June. My name is a derivative of the name "Adèle". It's used extensively in the arts. It's an unusual and rare name but stable.

My name: Céline 😊

☆ My name is Céline. I really like my name. My parents have chosen my name because it was the name of my father's grandmother and they liked the name Céline. It isn't because it's the name of a famous person, or example the Canadian singer Céline Dion. My mother wanted to caIl me Charlotte because she thought that I was going to have red hair but my father didn't like this name.
☆ My name in Greek is Caelina. My name means sky in Latin and moon in Greek.
☆ My name was popular in 1978. There were 13 700 births of small Céline. Now, this name is pretty rare in Belgium.
☆ My name is associated with: the blue color, the number three, the precious stone saphir, the animal giraffe, the metal silver and the planet Jupiter.
☆ Céline is celebrated on the 21st of October.

My name: Cindy

My name is Cindy. My parents did not take much time to choose my first name. My parents even didn't know if it was a girl or a boy, but they wanted a girl, and they had already found the name for a girl.
At that moment, names beginning with "C" were fashionable. So my parents wanted a name in C. One day, they heard a song on the radio. That was the song "Cindy " from C. Jérôme. My parents loved that song. It was an old song.  So, my parents simply liked this name. They chose my first name two months before my birth.
It's not my favourite name, but I don't hate it. I don't know other Cindy of my age, but I know older girls with the name Cindy. So I do not think that my name is fashionable. Cindy can be written in different ways. 

My name:Maëlle

My name is Maëlle. Maëlle is a Breton name and a Celt name . My parents liked this name because they really like Britany and they wanted a Celt name.  In the summer holidays, they went to Britany and there was a girl with the name Maëlle. They liked this name very much and chose it. 

Saint-Maëlle is on the third of May. The name Maëlle was important in France in the sixties. In the eighties, there were a lot of girls with the name "Maëlle". There is a famous painter : Maëlle Labuissière.

Maëlle has a strong personality. Maëlle is a decisive girl, optimistic and persuasive. She brings good mood and joy around her. She is jovial and cheerful. A lot of names are associated with the name Maëlle: for example Amaëlle, Maëlie, Maëlane, Maè,...
Maëlle Molie 

My name is Constance

First, my parents wanted to call me "Lucie" just like my great-grandmother. But, meanwhile, a girl in the same village was born and her parents had called her "Lucie",so my parents wanted another name. My sister's name is Clémence and my parents tried to find a name with the same ending sound "ance".

One day, my mother was reading a magazine in a waiting room and she saw the name "Constance" and she liked it. That's why my name is Constance.

Constance comes from the latin name " Constantia " and means perseverance.

I like my first name because it's not very common and it's original.

It's quite funny because a lot of people call me Clémence, and they even don't know my sister. I don't really know how it comes.

My name: Clément

My name is Clément.
My parents chose my name because they liked that name. They liked the sonority of the name and they liked the meaning of my name too. They didn't hesitate for my name.
My name comes from latin and means godness. When I was born, the doctor said thas I was going to be a good. I don' know if I'm but my mom says I am good.
I like my name.
Clément is a popular name. Over 140000 people are called like this.
I have two other names: Léon and Henri. Léon was my dad's father. He is dead when my dad was 17 years old. So my father wanted to call me Léon. Henri is the name of my mum's father. He is dead when I was 10 years old and I loved him very much.
When I will have children, I would like to call my son "Henri". I love this name, I like the sonority and it means a lot for me, but if I have a girl, I have no idea. 

About my name Julie

My name is Julie.

My parents had chosen three names for me : Emilie, my mother's grandmother's name, Marie but it was too religious, and Julie. My parents chose the name Julie because it is common and simple. I really like my name. It isn't original but it isn't a problem for me.

But my last name (Paternoster) isn't great. It is a religious name and it means "Our father".

The first name Julie comes from Julius, the name of an important Roman family of the Antiquity.
Symbol of charm and charisma, the first name Julie was for a long time in the top of the most given first names.
Julia Fiona Robert, well known under the name Julia Robert, is certainly the most famous Julie. Julia is one of the most appreciated first name in Europe.

My name : Louise

Hello !
My name is Louise. My parents hare chosen this name because it was a usual name in our country and because they liked this name. My sister's name is Lucie for the same reason and because my mom loved the song "Lucie" (Pascal Obispo).
My surname is Lejeune My parents wanted our first names and surnames to begin a "L" because in French, two "L"s" means "2 ailes" (2 wings). They thought that having 2 wings was better to fly in life. I think it's a good idea.
Louise is a popular name. Over 490 000 people are called like this in Europe.
This name comes from the Germanic words:  "hlood" and "wig"and it means "glorious" and "fighter".
The most famous Louise is "Louise Ciccone", better known as "Madonna".
In France, the most famous Louise is "Louise Bourgoin". She's an actress and a former meteorologist.
They are also some places and some streets called Louise. For example : a town in Mississipi, the "Avenue Louise" in Brussels or the "Place Louise" in Brussels too.

The 4th year pupils English 2nd language

L’image contient peut-être : 9 personnes, personnes souriantes

Julie, Clément, Louise
Aline Maëlle, Constance, 
Morgane, Jordan (but he has stopped learning English), Céline, 
and Cindy.
Do you want to know more about our names?